Sunday, October 18, 2009

America Lynching

Lynching is most often associated with the ritual murder by hanging, to maintain white supremacy through the use of terrorism. Usually, African-American men dying at the hands of a European mob, but Europeans were also lynching targets, for activism or outspokenness. Lynch Law, defined as the punishment of supposed criminals by agreement of a crowd and without a genuine criminal trial.  Lynch Law was used to deprive unpopular suspects of their rights and to satisfy a mob's thirst for vengeance (E.D. Hirsch, Jr. et al, 2002).

The definition of Lynch Law includes the word mob. However, the mentality of law enforcement officers is often one of groupthink.  In essence, they are legal mobs with the constitutional right to execute in the line of duty.  It is understandable how racism could permeate the judicial system in antiquity considering the original laws of America were written based on racial hatred and prejudice with the intent of controlling, assimilating and destroying the uncooperative “uncivilized”.  After 390 years, if we count from 1619 when the first slaves arrived in Virginia until today, the generalized opinion of African-Americans should reflect respect and reverence considering their hands and inventions built America.

The act of lynching has transformed from nooses to nine millimeter pistols carried by law enforcement officials.  African-Americans are continuously targeted as suspects.  The LAPD is infamous for harassing, beating and killing innocents.  In addition to racial prejudice, poor training is also a contributing factor in officer-involved shootings.  It is confirmed that as many as 33 percent of police shootings are in the mistake-of-fact genre and as many as 75 percent of those occur in low light.  The use of firearms is an extreme measure, which must be strictly regulated.  Conditioning officers to deploy their flashlights when walking into potentially threatening situations where they can't clearly see what's unfolding could dramatically decrease and possibly eliminate unarmed shootings (Aveni, 2005). 

The purpose of police is to protect and serve not intimidate and murder.  We must eliminate racial profiling and lethal force should be used only when strictly unavoidable in order to protect your life or the lives of others.  Too often the officers say something akin to: "the perpetrator pulled what I thought was a firearm, and in fear for my life, I shot to stop him..." The use of firearms is an extreme measure, which must be strictly regulated.  New rules are required for public safety. 

Darrick Collins, Sr. (1973 - 2009) is now among the many slain. He was shot three times through the wooden fence of his residence, on September 14, 2009.  He was going back into the house to avoid being a target for the police.  It is ironic that his life would end this way.  The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department deputy involved, claims that Mr. Collins fit the description of an alleged robbery suspect, that he ran and that he fired his gun after perceiving what looked like the butt of a gun in Mr. Collins’ hand.  The evidence at the property shows three bullet holes in the fence.  Mr. Collins suffered gun shot wounds to his side and the back of the neck.  His body fell approximately fifteen feet from the closed fence, suggesting that Mr. Collins was shot without warning.  He was unarmed save for his cell phone.  He is not the first and others have since perished at the hands of deputies. Get involved and stay active. It is time to change the laws, police the police and stop America lynching.

This is my truth.  I am Sardonyx Jade.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Jade,
    This os a very informative post! I am glad to be the first to follow you.
    Mista Jaycee the poet
